Bus To Battambang

This is the Bus Schedule and Prices for Bttombong

Company NameTime DepartureTime ArrivePricesDescription
Phnom Penh Soreya7:10 am4:10 pm$ 15013 999 454
012 439 292
016 641 777
098 229 823
8:00 am5:00 pm$ 15
9:00 am6:00 pm$ 15
Virak Buntham8:00 pm5:00 am$ 17
Rith Mony7:45am5:45pm$ 15
8:45am6:45pm$ 15
10:30am8:30pm$ 15
12:45pm10:45pm$ 15
2:15pm12:15am$ 15
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